Frequency, Intention and Color - Now Available in My 1x1 Sessions!

You know how sound baths raise your frequency and resonate with you on a spiritual level? Imagine how it would feel to play and create with color IN a space of intentional frequency that we co-create with you!

"It wasn't just about creating art; it was about reconnecting with oneself, silencing the inner critic, and letting the flow state take over. I've always believed that experiences like these cut through the superficial layers of our daily lives, connecting us to the deeper, more genuine parts of ourselves" 
 Brian - Kansas City

Join Stephanie Gray and Valorie Lewis (Goddess With An Attitude) for this monthly online class, as they bring the magic of Inside Out Studio  to you via Zoom

Steph and Valorie have joined forces to create something unique and powerful - a space intentionally set with sound frequency (Solfeggio Harmonics music 963HZ)  their own energetic frequencies and things like charged water, crystals and essential oils! Click HERE for more info on frequency.

In this 2 hour experience, you'll play with color and/or write, you can even just sit and vibe for a bit, allowing what wants to happen in the moment. Steph and Valorie will be holding the space and creating WITH you and if you have questions or need help getting started, they'll have you covered.


This is an potent, high level way to get in touch with your angels/guides, Higher Self (True Self) or interstellars and to receive messages or guidance. OR just chill and let your frequency RAISE in like-minded community

You'll finish with your very own piece of art or communication charged with the frequencies, as well as a link to the playlist we use during the class. Most importantly, you'll feel empowered knowing how to create the experience for yourself if you wish. 


Paper and basic art supplies - pencil, crayons, paints, etc.



We are currently on Summer break and will be back later in the year!

“The Frequency, Intention & Colour Session I attended on Sunday was my first (of many more) experience. The energy was just so wonderful and the frequency playlist was so uplifting, the words that were whispered to me, the colours that were being selected for me to use and just allowing the hand to flow, it was all lovingly crazy and intense. I enjoyed every moment of the experience and I can't wait for the next one in March. I am glad I stumbled upon the Meetup Group because there's just something about the group that calls to my soul.
Valorie is a blessing and Stephanie is just wonderful. Both Souls have such vibrancy within them! True Soul Sistas!” - Nev

Not ready to dive in just yet? Make sure to sign up for our email updates below! You'll also want to sign up if you want first dibs at our in-person events

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