Real Vibes Only

What you think about you bring about. You create your own reality. Positive Vibes Only.

Nope. I can't buy this. I mean, at one time I did....and then after my love affair with The Secret was over, I found myself sitting in a pool of my own shame and self loathing. Why couldn't I manifest my reality? Why couldn't I think positively all the time? What was wrong with me? 

What I discovered, was that there was NOTHING wrong with me. Shit happens. We are on planet earth. We are spirits in the material world and the material world is a mixed bag. Suka Duka - What goes up, must come down.

So why has our culture (at least in some circles) become enamored with this? Maybe because we love pain...or maybe because we like to cause others shame. OR maybe when things are really bad for someone it's easier for us to pass it right back on to them, instead of really looking and feeling into it with them....because that would be seriously uncomfortable. And why is it uncomfortable? Because until we take a long look at ourselves, another person's pain and suffering will trigger us and we will want to run for the hills.

What I am acutely aware of is how much pain and damage this new age spin on an ancient teaching has caused - to me and many others. Yes, there is some truth here...but it doesn't happen after a month of positive affirmations when inside you still feel like a piece of crap. If your inner intentions are still the same as when you started, then no amount of positive vibeing will change this.

Real inner work has to be done. Grab a pick ax and start chipping away at the ugly shit you want to ignore. Invite those "ugly" bits in for a chat. See what they have to say....and love them like the lost little orphans they are. At least, that's what I'm doing....and it seems to be working. Now I am a more naturally positive person. I laugh a hell of a lot more and I see things differently. My perspectives are shifting and I have a deep inner sense of being okay. 

I won't lie... it's taken a LONG ASS TIME and I am still a work in progress. My guess is it takes a different amount of time for everyone, depending on what we've experienced. The thing is, it's never too late to begin. It's a wild, weird, wonderful and sometimes painful unfolding that can start at any time. 

Real Vibes Only.

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